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Agrawal N, Jayawardena ADL, Iwata AJ, Okose O, Wang B, McIlroy D, Cheung A, Wu
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3: Sinclair CF, Buczek E, Cottril E, Angelos P, Barczynski M, Ho AS, Makarin V,
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5: Jarząb B, Dedecjus M, Lewiński A, Adamczewski Z, Bakuła-Zalewska E, Bałdys-
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6: Wu CW, Huang TY, Randolph GW, Barczyński M, Schneider R, Chiang FY, Silver
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7: Liddy W, Wu CW, Dionigi G, Donatini G, Giles Senyurek Y, Kamani D, Iwata A,
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9: Barczyński M. A Novel Approach to Continuous Monitoring of the Recurrent
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10: Lorenz K, Raffaeli M, Barczyński M, Lorente-Poch L, Sancho J. Correction to:
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11: Barczyński M. Invited Commentary: The Clinical Significance of Lymph Node
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13: Wu CW, Randolph GW, Barczyński M, Schneider R, Chiang FY, Huang TY,
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14: Iwata AJ, Liddy W, Barczyński M, Wu CW, Huang TY, Van Slycke S, Schneider R,
Dionigi G, Dralle H, Cernea CR, Kamani D, Ahmed AH, Okose OC, Wang B, Randolph
GW. Superior Laryngeal Nerve Signal Attenuation Influences Voice Outcomes in
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15: Barczyński M. Current approach to surgical management of hyperthyroidism. Q
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16: Kuryga D, Wojskowicz P, Szymczuk J, Wojdyla A, Milewska AJ, Barczynski M,
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17: Klotzka A, Iwańczyk S, Barczyński M, Araszkiewicz A, Mitkowski P, Lesiak M.
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18: Katarzyńska-Szymańska A, Grymuza M, Chmielewska-Michalak L, Migaj J,
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21: Barczyński M. Commentary on the study of Li J et al: The KWAK TI-RADS and
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22: Konturek A, Szpyra B, Stopa-Barczyńska M, Barczyński M. Energy-based devices
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23: Erol V, Dionigi G, Barczyński M, Zhang D, Makay Ö. Intraoperative
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24: Wojtczak B, Syrycka J, Kaliszewski K, Rudnicki J, Bolanowski M, Barczyński
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25: Barczyński M, Stopa-Barczyńska M, Wojtczak B, Czarniecka A, Konturek A.
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26: Oczko-Wojciechowska M, Kotecka-Blicharz A, Krajewska J, Rusinek D,
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27: Barczyński M. Introduction to focused issue on novel technologies in
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28: Inabnet WB 3rd, Palazzo F, Sosa JA, Kriger J, Aspinall S, Barczynski M,
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30: Świrta J, Romaniszyn M, Barczyński M. [The impact of elective central lymph
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31: Gimm O, Barczyński M, Mihai R, Raffaelli M. Training in endocrine surgery.
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32: Barczyński M, Stopa-Barczyńska M. Hemithyroidectomy for benign euthyroid
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33: Barczyński M. Commentary on the study of Walczyk et al. Poorly
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34: Schneider R, Randolph G, Dionigi G, Barczynski M, Chiang FY, Wu CW, Musholt
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35: Cirocchi R, Arezzo A, D’Andrea V, Abraha I, Popivanov GI, Avenia N, Gerardi
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36: Luster M, Aktolun C, Amendoeira I, Barczyński M, Bible KC, Duntas LH, Elisei
R, Handkiewicz-Junak D, Hoffmann M, Jarząb B, Leenhardt L, Musholt TJ, Newbold
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37: Liddy W, Lawson BR, Barber SR, Kamani D, Shama M, Soylu S, Wu CW, Chiang FY,
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39: Schneider R, Randolph GW, Dionigi G, Wu CW, Barczynski M, Chiang FY, Al-
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40: Ciepłucha A, Trojnarska O, Kociemba A, Łanocha M, Barczynski M, Rozmiarek S,
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41: Wojtczak B, Sutkowski K, Kaliszewski K, Forkasiewicz Z, Knychalski B,
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42: Fundakowski CE, Hales NW, Agrawal N, Barczyński M, Camacho PM, Hartl DM,
Kandil E, Liddy WE, McKenzie TJ, Morris JC, Ridge JA, Schneider R, Serpell J,
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43: Wojtczak B, Kaliszewski K, Sutkowski K, Głód M, Barczyński M. Evaluating the
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44: Barczyński M, Konturek A, Hubalewska-Dydejczyk A, Gołkowski F, Nowak W. Ten-
Year Follow-Up of a Randomized Clinical Trial of Total Thyroidectomy Versus
Dunhill Operation Versus Bilateral Subtotal Thyroidectomy for Multinodular Non-
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45: Jarząb B, Dedecjus M, Słowińska-Klencka D, Lewiński A, Adamczewski Z,
Anielski R, Bagłaj M, Bałdys-Waligórska A, Barczyński M, Bednarczuk T, Bossowski
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Diagnostics and Treatment of Thyroid Carcinoma. 2018 Update. Endokrynol Pol.
2018;69(1):34-74. doi: 10.5603/EP.2018.0014. PMID: 29442352.

46: Wojtczak B, Kaliszewski K, Sutkowski K, Bolanowski M, Barczyński M. A
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during thyroidectomies using neuromonitoring. Endocrine. 2018 Jan;59(1):82-89.
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47: Sitges-Serra A, Gómez J, Barczynski M, Lorente-Poch L, Iacobone M, Sancho J.
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thyroidectomy based on delayed serum calcium and iPTH measurements. Gland Surg.
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48: Wojtczak B, Sutkowski K, Kaliszewski K, Barczyński M, Bolanowski M. Thyroid
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49: Barczyński M, Gołkowski F, Nawrot I. Parathyroid transplantation in thyroid
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50: Stopa M, Barczyński M. Prognostic value of intraoperative neural monitoring
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52: Henry BM, Graves MJ, Vikse J, Sanna B, Pękala PA, Walocha JA, Barczyński M,
Tomaszewski KA. The current state of intermittent intraoperative neural
monitoring for prevention of recurrent laryngeal nerve injury during
thyroidectomy: a PRISMA-compliant systematic review of overlapping meta-
analyses. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2017 Jun;402(4):663-673. doi:
10.1007/s00423-017-1580-y. Epub 2017 Apr 4. PMID: 28378238; PMCID: PMC5437188.

53: Babińska D, Barczyński M, Osęka T, Śledziński M, Łachiński AJ. Comparison of
perioperative stress in patients undergoing thyroid surgery with and without
neuromonitoring-a pilot study. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2017 Jun;402(4):719-725.
doi: 10.1007/s00423-016-1457-5. Epub 2016 Jun 14. PMID: 27299585; PMCID:

54: Wojtczak B, Sutkowski K, Kaliszewski K, Głód M, Barczyński M. Experience
with intraoperative neuromonitoring of the recurrent laryngeal nerve improves
surgical skills and outcomes of non-monitored thyroidectomy. Langenbecks Arch
Surg. 2017 Jun;402(4):709-717. doi: 10.1007/s00423-016-1449-5. Epub 2016 May 21.
PMID: 27209315; PMCID: PMC5437184.

55: Wojtczak B, Kaliszewski K, Sutkowski K, Głód M, Barczyński M. The learning
curve for intraoperative neuromonitoring of the recurrent laryngeal nerve in
thyroid surgery. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2017 Jun;402(4):701-708. doi:
10.1007/s00423-016-1438-8. Epub 2016 May 13. PMID: 27178203; PMCID: PMC5437179.

56: Wu CW, Liu X, Barczyński M, Kim HY, Dionigi G, Sun H, Chiang FY, Kamani D,
Randolph GW. Optimal stimulation during monitored thyroid surgery: EMG response
characteristics in a porcine model. Laryngoscope. 2017 Apr;127(4):998-1005. doi:
10.1002/lary.26141. Epub 2016 Jul 1. PMID: 27363899.

57: Liddy W, Barber SR, Cinquepalmi M, Lin BM, Patricio S, Kyriazidis N,
Bellotti C, Kamani D, Mahamad S, Dralle H, Schneider R, Dionigi G, Barczynski M,
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electrophysiologic and muscular responses with stimulation of the vagus nerve,
recurrent laryngeal nerve, and external branch of the superior laryngeal nerve.
Laryngoscope. 2017 Mar;127(3):764-771. doi: 10.1002/lary.26147. Epub 2016 Jul 4.
PMID: 27374859.

58: Szymon Świrta J, Piejko M, Barczyński M, Wałęga P. [Giant supernumerary
parathyroid adenoma as a cause of persistent primary hyperparathyroidism in a
patient with a multiglandular parathyroid disease]. Przegl Lek. 2017;74(1):44-7.
Polish. PMID: 29694002.

59: Dionigi G, Bacuzzi A, Lavazza M, Inversini D, Pappalardo V, Boni L, Rausei
S, Barczynski M, Tufano RP, Kim HY, Anuwong A. Transoral endoscopic
thyroidectomy via vestibular approach: operative steps and video. Gland Surg.
2016 Dec;5(6):625-627. doi: 10.21037/gs.2016.12.05. PMID: 28149809; PMCID:

60: Schneider R, Randolph GW, Barczynski M, Dionigi G, Wu CW, Chiang FY, Machens
A, Kamani D, Dralle H. Continuous intraoperative neural monitoring of the
recurrent nerves in thyroid surgery: a quantum leap in technology. Gland Surg.
2016 Dec;5(6):607-616. doi: 10.21037/gs.2016.11.10. PMID: 28149807; PMCID:

61: Puram SV, Chow H, Wu CW, Heaton JT, Kamani D, Gorti G, Chiang FY, Dionigi G,
Barczynski M, Schneider R, Dralle H, Lorenz K, Randolph GW. Posterior
cricoarytenoid muscle electrophysiologic changes are predictive of vocal cord
paralysis with recurrent laryngeal nerve compressive injury in a canine model.
Laryngoscope. 2016 Dec;126(12):2744-2751. doi: 10.1002/lary.25967. Epub 2016 Apr

  1. PMID: 27113438.

62: Konturek A, Barczyński M, Stopa M, Nowak W. Subtotal parathyroidectomy for
secondary renal hyperparathyroidism: a 20-year surgical outcome study.
Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2016 Nov;401(7):965-974. doi: 10.1007/s00423-016-1447-7.
Epub 2016 May 27. PMID: 27233241; PMCID: PMC5086343.

63: Czarniecka A, Oczko-Wojciechowska M, Barczyński M. BRAF V600E
mutation in prognostication of papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) recurrence. Gland
Surg. 2016 Oct;5(5):495-505. doi: 10.21037/gs.2016.09.09. PMID: 27867864; PMCID:

64: Wojtczak B, Barczyński M. Intermittent neural monitoring of the recurrent
laryngeal nerve in surgery for recurrent goiter. Gland Surg. 2016
Oct;5(5):481-489. doi: 10.21037/gs.2016.09.07. PMID: 27867862; PMCID:

65: Barczyński M, Dionigi G. New techniques and technologies for the treatment
of surgical endocrine diseases. Gland Surg. 2016 Oct;5(5):455-457. doi:
10.21037/gs.2016.10.04. PMID: 27867858; PMCID: PMC5106383.

66: Dionigi G, Kim HY, Randolph GW, Wu CW, Sun H, Liu X, Barczynski M, Chiang
FY. Prospective validation study of Cernea classification for predicting EMG
alterations of the external branch of the superior laryngeal nerve. Surg Today.
2016 Jul;46(7):785-91. doi: 10.1007/s00595-015-1245-9. Epub 2015 Sep 11. PMID:

67: Schneider R, Randolph G, Dionigi G, Barczyński M, Chiang FY, Triponez F,
Vamvakidis K, Brauckhoff K, Musholt TJ, Almquist M, Innaro N, Jimenez-Garcia A,
Kraimps JL, Miyauchi A, Wojtczak B, Donatini G, Lombardi D, Müller U, Pezzullo
L, Ratia T, Van Slycke S, Nguyen Thanh P, Lorenz K, Sekulla C, Machens A, Dralle
H. Prospective study of vocal fold function after loss of the neuromonitoring
signal in thyroid surgery: The International Neural Monitoring Study Group’s
POLT study. Laryngoscope. 2016 May;126(5):1260-6. doi: 10.1002/lary.25807. Epub
2015 Dec 15. PMID: 26667156.

68: Puram SV, Chow H, Wu CW, Heaton JT, Kamani D, Gorti G, Chiang FY, Dionigi G,
Barczyński M, Schneider R, Dralle H, Lorenz K, Randolph GW. Vocal cord paralysis
predicted by neural monitoring electrophysiologic changes with recurrent
laryngeal nerve compressive neuropraxic injury in a canine model. Head Neck.
2016 Apr;38 Suppl 1:E1341-50. doi: 10.1002/hed.24225. Epub 2015 Sep 8. PMID:

69: Kim HY, Tufano RP, Randolph G, Barczyński M, Wu CW, Chiang FY, Liu X,
Masuoka H, Miyauchi A, Park SY, Kwak HY, Lee HY, Dionigi G; Korean
Intraoperative Neural Monitoring Society (KINMoS). Impact of positional changes
in neural monitoring endotracheal tube on amplitude and latency of
electromyographic response in monitored thyroid surgery: Results from the
Porcine Experiment. Head Neck. 2016 Apr;38 Suppl 1:E1004-8. doi:
10.1002/hed.24145. Epub 2015 Jul 18. PMID: 26040955.

70: Konturek A, Barczyński M, Stopa M, Nowak W. Trends in Prevalence of Thyroid
Cancer Over Three Decades: A Retrospective Cohort Study of 17,526 Surgical
Patients. World J Surg. 2016 Mar;40(3):538-44. doi: 10.1007/s00268-015-3322-z.
PMID: 26560150; PMCID: PMC4746222.

71: Bacuzzi A, Dralle H, Randolph GW, Chiang FY, Kim HY, Barczyński M, Dionigi
G. Safety of Continuous Intraoperative Neuromonitoring (C-IONM) in Thyroid
Surgery. World J Surg. 2016 Mar;40(3):768-9. doi: 10.1007/s00268-015-3288-x.
PMID: 26530692.

72: Barczyński M, Stopa M, Konturek A, Nowak W. The Overwhelming Majority but
not All Motor Fibers of the Bifid Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve are Located in the
Anterior Extralaryngeal Branch. World J Surg. 2016 Mar;40(3):629-35. doi:
10.1007/s00268-015-3257-4. PMID: 26438241; PMCID: PMC4746211.

73: Jarząb B, Dedecjus M, Handkiewicz-Junak D, Lange D, Lewiński A, Nasierowska-
Guttmejer A, Ruchała M, Słowińska-Klencka D, Nauman J, Adamczewski Z, Bagłaj M,
Bałdys-Waligórska A, Barczyński M, Bednarczuk T, Cichocki A, Czarniecka A,
Czepczyński R, Gawlik A, Hubalewska-Dydejczyk A, Jażdżewski K, Kamiński G,
Karbownik-Lewińska M, Kos-Kudła B, Kułakowski A, Kuzdak K, Łącka K, Małecka-
Tendera E, Niedziela M, Pomorski L, Sporny S, Stojcev Z, Syrenicz A, Włoch J,
Krajewska J, Szpak-Ulczok S, Kalemba M, Buziak-Bereza M. Diagnostics and
Treatment of Thyroid Carcinoma. Endokrynol Pol. 2016;67(1):74-107. doi:
10.5603/EP.2016.0011. PMID: 26884119.

74: Barczyński M, Randolph GW, Cernea C; International Neural Monitoring Study
Group in Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery. International survey on the
identification and neural monitoring of the EBSLN during thyroidectomy.
Laryngoscope. 2016 Jan;126(1):285-91. doi: 10.1002/lary.25548. Epub 2015 Oct 9.
PMID: 26452247.

75: Barczyński M, Bränström R, Dionigi G, Mihai R. Sporadic multiple parathyroid
gland disease–a consensus report of the European Society of Endocrine Surgeons
(ESES). Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2015 Dec;400(8):887-905. doi:
10.1007/s00423-015-1348-1. Epub 2015 Nov 5. PMID: 26542689; PMCID: PMC4747992.

76: Kenig J, Zychiewicz B, Olszewska U, Barczynski M, Nowak W. Six screening
instruments for frailty in older patients qualified for emergency abdominal
surgery. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2015 Nov-Dec;61(3):437-42. doi:
10.1016/j.archger.2015.06.018. Epub 2015 Jul 6. PMID: 26211706.

77: Kenig J, Olszewska U, Zychiewicz B, Barczynski M, Mituś-Kenig M. Cumulative
deficit model of geriatric assessment to predict the postoperative outcomes of
older patients with solid abdominal cancer. J Geriatr Oncol. 2015
Sep;6(5):370-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jgo.2015.03.004. Epub 2015 Jul 3. PMID: 26144556.

78: Cirocchi R, Trastulli S, Randolph J, Guarino S, Di Rocco G, Arezzo A,
D’Andrea V, Santoro A, Barczyñski M, Avenia N. Total or near-total thyroidectomy
versus subtotal thyroidectomy for multinodular non-toxic goitre in adults.
Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2015 Aug 7;2015(8):CD010370. doi:
10.1002/14651858.CD010370.pub2. PMID: 26252202; PMCID: PMC9587693.

79: Pragacz K, Barczyński M. Evaluation of the learning curve for intraoperative
neural monitoring of the recurrent laryngeal nerves in thyroid surgery. Pol
Przegl Chir. 2015 Mar 1;86(12):584-93. doi: 10.1515/pjs-2015-0005. PMID:

80: Barczyński M, Gołkowski F, Nawrot I. The current status of intraoperative
iPTH assay in surgery for primary hyperparathyroidism. Gland Surg. 2015
Feb;4(1):36-43. doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2227-684X.2015.01.01. PMID: 25713778; PMCID:

81: Barczyński M, Papier A, Kenig J, Nawrot I. A retrospective case-controlled
study of video-assisted versus open minimally invasive parathyroidectomy.
Wideochir Inne Tech Maloinwazyjne. 2014 Dec;9(4):537-47. doi:
10.5114/wiitm.2014.45087. Epub 2014 Sep 5. PMID: 25561991; PMCID: PMC4280416.

82: Barczyński M, Konturek A, Nowak W. Randomized clinical trial of posterior
retroperitoneoscopic adrenalectomy versus lateral transperitoneal laparoscopic
adrenalectomy with a 5-year follow-up. Ann Surg. 2014 Nov;260(5):740-7;
discussion 747-8. doi: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000000982. PMID: 25243546.

83: Nawrot I, Pragacz A, Pragacz K, Grzesiuk W, Barczyński M. Total
thyroidectomy is associated with increased prevalence of permanent
hypoparathyroidism. Med Sci Monit. 2014 Sep 19;20:1675-81. doi:
10.12659/MSM.890988. PMID: 25234952; PMCID: PMC4179543.

84: Nawrot I, Chudziński W, Ciąćka T, Barczyński M, Szmidt J. Reoperations for
persistent or recurrent primary hyperparathyroidism: results of a retrospective
cohort study at a tertiary referral center. Med Sci Monit. 2014 Sep
9;20:1604-12. doi: 10.12659/MSM.890983. PMID: 25201515; PMCID: PMC4166223.

85: Pragacz K, Barczyński M, Kuchciński R, Zieliński A, Nawrot I. Utility of the
laparoscopic approach to surgical treatment of acute appendicitis in a single
surgical unit. Wideochir Inne Tech Maloinwazyjne. 2014 Jun;9(2):234-8. doi:
10.5114/wiitm.2014.42511. Epub 2014 May 8. PMID: 25097692; PMCID: PMC4105682.

86: Castinetti F, Qi XP, Walz MK, Maia AL, Sansó G, Peczkowska M, Hasse-Lazar K,
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L, Loli P, Bergmann SR, Biarnes Costa J, Makay O, Patocs A, Pfeifer M, Shah NS,
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Siqueira DR, Barontini M, Szperl M, Jarzab B, Verbeek HH, Zelinka T, Vlcek P,
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10.1016/S1470-2045(14)70154-8. Epub 2014 Apr 15. PMID: 24745698.

87: Kenig J, Richter P, Barczyński M. An umbilical/paraumbilical hernia as a
sign of an intraabdominal malignancy in the elderly. Pol Przegl Chir. 2014
Apr;86(4):189-93. doi: 10.2478/pjs-2014-0034. PMID: 24988234.

88: Barczyński M, Konturek A, Pragacz K, Papier A, Stopa M, Nowak W.
Intraoperative nerve monitoring can reduce prevalence of recurrent laryngeal
nerve injury in thyroid reoperations: results of a retrospective cohort study.
World J Surg. 2014 Mar;38(3):599-606. doi: 10.1007/s00268-013-2260-x. PMID:
24081538; PMCID: PMC3923121.

89: Konturek A, Barczyński M, Nowak W, Wierzchowski W. Risk of lymph node
metastases in multifocal papillary thyroid cancer associated with Hashimoto’s
thyroiditis. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2014 Feb;399(2):229-36. doi:
10.1007/s00423-013-1158-2. Epub 2014 Jan 10. PMID: 24407910; PMCID: PMC3916705.

90: Iacobone M, Jansson S, Barczyński M, Goretzki P. Multifocal papillary
thyroid carcinoma–a consensus report of the European Society of Endocrine
Surgeons (ESES). Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2014 Feb;399(2):141-54. doi:
10.1007/s00423-013-1145-7. Epub 2013 Nov 22. PMID: 24263684.

91: Barczyński M, Konturek A, Stopa M, Nowak W. Nodal recurrence in the lateral
neck after total thyroidectomy with prophylactic central neck dissection for
papillary thyroid cancer. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2014 Feb;399(2):237-44. doi:
10.1007/s00423-013-1135-9. Epub 2013 Nov 9. PMID: 24213969; PMCID: PMC3916707.

92: Pragacz K, Barczyński M. Ocena etapu wdrazania metody śródoperacyjnego
neuromonitoringu nerwów krtaniowych wstecznych w chirurgii tarczycy w szpitalu
powiatowym [Evaluation of implementation phase of intraoperative neural
monitoring of the recurrent laryngeal nerves in thyroid surgery in a district
hospital]. Przegl Lek. 2014;71(10):532-6. Polish. PMID: 25826976.

93: Swirta JS, Barczyński M. Krwotok po operacji tarczycy [Haemorrhage after
thyroid surgery]. Przegl Lek. 2014;71(2):82-5. Polish. PMID: 25016781.

94: Papier A, Kenig J, Barczyński M. Obustronna eksploracja szyi ze
śródoperacyjnym monitoringiem stezenia parathormonu u chorych niekwalifikujacych
sie do małoinwazyjnej paratyreoidektomii [Bilateral neck exploration with
intraoperative iPTH assay in patients not eligible for minimally invasive
parathyroidectomy]. Przegl Lek. 2014;71(2):66-71. Polish. PMID: 25016778.

95: Papier A, Kenig J, Barczyński M. Ocena trafności róznych kryteriów
prognostycznych sródoperacyjnego monitoringu stezenia parathormonu w
małoinwazyjnej chirurgii pierwotnej nadczynności przytarczyc [Evaluation of
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96: Søreide K, Alderson D, Bergenfelz A, Beynon J, Connor S, Deckelbaum DL,
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improve clinical research in surgery through international collaboration.
Lancet. 2013 Sep 28;382(9898):1140-51. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(13)61455-5. PMID:

97: Barczyński M, Randolph GW, Cernea CR, Dralle H, Dionigi G, Alesina PF, Mihai
R, Finck C, Lombardi D, Hartl DM, Miyauchi A, Serpell J, Snyder S, Volpi E,
Woodson G, Kraimps JL, Hisham AN; International Neural Monitoring Study Group.
External branch of the superior laryngeal nerve monitoring during thyroid and
parathyroid surgery: International Neural Monitoring Study Group standards
guideline statement. Laryngoscope. 2013 Sep;123 Suppl 4:S1-14. doi:
10.1002/lary.24301. PMID: 23832799.

98: Barczyński M. Author’s reply: Prophylactic central neck dissection for
papillary thyroid cancer (Br J Surg 2013; 100: 410-418). Br J Surg. 2013
Jul;100(8):1115. doi: 10.1002/bjs.9173. PMID: 23754651.

99: Barczyński M. Intention to treat analysis: are we really doing it? Reply.
World J Surg. 2013 May;37(5):1183-4. doi: 10.1007/s00268-013-1984-y. PMID:
23494085; PMCID: PMC3618406.

100: Konturek A, Barczyński M, Wierzchowski W, Stopa M, Nowak W. Coexistence of
papillary thyroid cancer with Hashimoto thyroiditis. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2013
Mar;398(3):389-94. doi: 10.1007/s00423-012-1021-x. Epub 2012 Oct 26. PMID:
23099542; PMCID: PMC3597286.

101: Barczyński M, Konturek A, Stopa M, Nowak W. Prophylactic central neck
dissection for papillary thyroid cancer. Br J Surg. 2013 Feb;100(3):410-8. doi:
10.1002/bjs.8985. Epub 2012 Nov 27. PMID: 23188784.

102: Dionigi G, Chiang FY, Dralle H, Boni L, Rausei S, Rovera F, Piantanida E,
Mangano A, Barczyński M, Randolph GW, Dionigi R, Ulmer C. Safety of neural
monitoring in thyroid surgery. Int J Surg. 2013;11 Suppl 1:S120-6. doi:
10.1016/S1743-9191(13)60031-X. PMID: 24380543.

103: Papier A, Barczyński M, Pragacz K, Kenig J, Stopa M, Konturek A, Nowak W.
Porównanie stopnia zaawansowania raka tarczycy rozpoznanego przedoperacyjnie i
przypadkowo po operacji wola nienowotworowego [Staging of thyroid cancer–
comparison of cases diagnosed preoperatively versus incidentally after surgery
for benign goiter]. Przegl Lek. 2013;70(2):53-6. Polish. PMID: 23879004.

104: Konturek A, Barczyński M, Stopa M, Nowak W. Total thyroidectomy for non-
toxic multinodular goiter with versus without the use of harmonic FOCUS
dissecting shears – a prospective randomized study. Wideochir Inne Tech
Maloinwazyjne. 2012 Dec;7(4):268-74. doi: 10.5114/wiitm.2011.30675. Epub 2012
Sep 27. PMID: 23362426; PMCID: PMC3557734.

105: Dionigi G, Alesina PF, Barczynski M, Boni L, Chiang FY, Kim HY, Materazzi
G, Randolph GW, Terris DJ, Wu CW. Recurrent laryngeal nerve injury in video-
assisted thyroidectomy: lessons learned from neuromonitoring. Surg Endosc. 2012
Sep;26(9):2601-8. doi: 10.1007/s00464-012-2239-y. Epub 2012 Apr 5. PMID:

106: Barczyński M, Konturek A, Stopa M, Papier A, Nowak W. Minimally invasive
video-assisted thyroidectomy: seven-year experience with 240 cases. Wideochir
Inne Tech Maloinwazyjne. 2012 Aug;7(3):175-80. doi: 10.5114/wiitm.2011.28871.
Epub 2012 Jun 25. PMID: 23256022; PMCID: PMC3516984.

107: Schulte KM, Gill AJ, Barczynski M, Karakas E, Miyauchi A, Knoefel WT,
Lombardi CP, Talat N, Diaz-Cano S, Grant CS. Classification of parathyroid
cancer. Ann Surg Oncol. 2012 Aug;19(8):2620-8. doi: 10.1245/s10434-012-2306-6.
Epub 2012 Mar 21. PMID: 22434247.

108: Barczyński M, Konturek A, Stopa M, Honowska A, Nowak W. Randomized
controlled trial of visualization versus neuromonitoring of the external branch
of the superior laryngeal nerve during thyroidectomy. World J Surg. 2012
Jun;36(6):1340-7. doi: 10.1007/s00268-012-1547-7. PMID: 22402975; PMCID:

109: Konturek A, Barczyński M, Nowak W, Richter P. Prognostic factors in
differentiated thyroid cancer–a 20-year surgical outcome study. Langenbecks
Arch Surg. 2012 Jun;397(5):809-15. doi: 10.1007/s00423-011-0899-z. Epub 2012 Feb

  1. PMID: 22350610; PMCID: PMC3349847.

110: Babińska D, Barczyński M, Stefaniak T, Osęka T, Babińska A, Babiński D,
Sworczak K, Lachiński AJ, Nowak W, Sledziński Z. Evaluation of selected
cognitive functions before and after surgery for primary hyperparathyroidism.
Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2012 Jun;397(5):825-31. doi: 10.1007/s00423-011-0885-5.
Epub 2011 Dec 8. PMID: 22160326.

111: Barczyński M, Konturek A, Hubalewska-Dydejczyk A, Gołkowski F, Nowak W.
Randomized clinical trial of bilateral subtotal thyroidectomy versus total
thyroidectomy for Graves’ disease with a 5-year follow-up. Br J Surg. 2012
Apr;99(4):515-22. doi: 10.1002/bjs.8660. Epub 2012 Jan 27. PMID: 22287122.

112: Mihai R, Iacobone M, Makay O, Moreno P, Frilling A, Kraimps JL, Soriano A,
Villar del Moral J, Barczynski M, Durán MC, Sadler GP, Niederle B, Dralle H,
Harrison B, Carnaille B. Outcome of operation in patients with adrenocortical
cancer invading the inferior vena cava–a European Society of Endocrine Surgeons
(ESES) survey. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2012 Feb;397(2):225-31. doi:
10.1007/s00423-011-0876-6. Epub 2011 Dec 2. PMID: 22134748.

113: Barczyński M, Konturek A, Stopa M, Cichoń S, Richter P, Nowak W. Total
thyroidectomy for benign thyroid disease: is it really worthwhile? Ann Surg.
2011 Nov;254(5):724-29; discussion 729-30. doi: 10.1097/SLA.0b013e3182360118.
PMID: 22005150.

114: Dionigi G, Bacuzzi A, Barczynski M, Biondi A, Boni L, Chiang FY, Dralle H,
Randolph GW, Rausei S, Sacco R, Sitges-Serra A. Implementation of systematic
neuromonitoring training for thyroid surgery. Updates Surg. 2011
Sep;63(3):201-7. doi: 10.1007/s13304-011-0098-z. Epub 2011 Jul 22. PMID:

115: Barczyński M, Konturek A, Stopa M, Hubalewska-Dydejczyk A, Richter P, Nowak
W. Clinical value of intraoperative neuromonitoring of the recurrent laryngeal
nerves in improving outcomes of surgery for well-differentiated thyroid cancer.
Pol Przegl Chir. 2011 Apr;83(4):196-203. doi: 10.2478/v10035-011-0030-8. PMID:

116: Barczyński M. Systematic review and meta-analysis of sentinel node biopsy
in thyroid cancer (Br J Surg 2010; 98: 334–344). Br J Surg. 2011
Mar;98(3):344-5. doi: 10.1002/bjs.7424. PMID: 21254005.

117: Stopa M, Barczyński M, Konturek A, Nowak W. Ocena czestości przerzutów raka
brodawkowatego tarczycy do wezłów chłonnych kompartmentu centralnego szyi u
chorych poddawanych profilaktycznej limfadenektomii [Prevalence of metastatic
lymph nodes in the central compartment of the neck following prophylactic
clearance for papillary thyroid cancer]. Przegl Lek. 2011;68(12):1166-9. Polish.
PMID: 22519274.

118: Randolph GW, Dralle H; International Intraoperative Monitoring Study Group,
Abdullah H, Barczynski M, Bellantone R, Brauckhoff M, Carnaille B, Cherenko S,
Chiang FY, Dionigi G, Finck C, Hartl D, Kamani D, Lorenz K, Miccolli P, Mihai R,
Miyauchi A, Orloff L, Perrier N, Poveda MD, Romanchishen A, Serpell J, Sitges-
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Electrophysiologic recurrent laryngeal nerve monitoring during thyroid and
parathyroid surgery: international standards guideline statement. Laryngoscope.
2011 Jan;121 Suppl 1:S1-16. doi: 10.1002/lary.21119. PMID: 21181860.

119: Dionigi G, Barczynski M, Chiang FY, Dralle H, Duran-Poveda M, Iacobone M,
Lombardi CP, Materazzi G, Mihai R, Randolph GW, Sitges-Serra A. Why monitor the
recurrent laryngeal nerve in thyroid surgery? J Endocrinol Invest. 2010
Dec;33(11):819-22. doi: 10.1007/BF03350349. PMID: 21293170.

120: Jarząb B, Sporny S, Lange D, Włoch J, Lewiński A, Bałdys-Waligórska A,
Barczyński M, Bręborowicz D, Brzeziński J, Bruszewska E, Chmielik E, Chosia M,
Czarniecka A, Czetwertyńska M, Dedecjus M, Domagała W, Drabik G, Dusza-Kozera J,
Dzięcioł J, Handkiewicz-Junak D, Hasse-Lazar K, Herman K, Hilarowicz-Pacanowska
E, Jakubowski W, Jarząb B, Jastrzębska H, Jaworska M, Jurecka-Lubieniecka B,
Kaczka K, Kalemba M, Kalicka-Kasperczyk A, Konturek A, Kos-Kudła B, Kowalska A,
Kozłowicz-Gudzińska I, Krajewska J, Krawczyk A, Kropińska A, Krzakowski M,
Kukulska A, Kulig A, Kuzdak K, Lange D, Lewiński A, Ławniczak-Cielińska D, Łącka
K, Maksymiuk B, Niedziela M, Olszewski W, Paliczka-Cieślik E, Pałyga I,
Pankowski J, Pomorski L, Prokurat A, Puch Z, Roskosz J, Shafie D, Sikora K,
Słowiaczek M, Słowińska-Klencka D, Sowiński J, Sporny S, Stęchły T, Stobiecka E,
Sygut J, Syrenicz A, Szramek-Urbaniak A, Szpak-Ulczok S, Tomkalski T, Waler J,
Włoch J, Wołoszyńska K, Wygoda Z; Polish Endocrinology Society; Polish Thyroid
Society; Polish Pathologic Society; Society of Polish Surgeons; Polish Society
of Surgical Oncology; Polish Oncologic Society; Polish Society of Nuclear
Medicine; Polish Society of Pediatric Endocrinology; Polish Society of Pediatric
Surgery; Polish Society of Ultrasonography. Diagnostyka i leczenie raka tarczycy
— rekomendacje polskie [Diagnosis and treatment of thyroid cancer – Polish
guidelines]. Endokrynol Pol. 2010 Sep-Oct;61(5):518-68. Polish. PMID: 21049469.

121: Barczyński M, Konturek A, Hubalewska-Dydejczyk A, Gołkowski F, Cichoń S,
Nowak W. Five-year follow-up of a randomized clinical trial of total
thyroidectomy versus Dunhill operation versus bilateral subtotal thyroidectomy
for multinodular nontoxic goiter. World J Surg. 2010 Jun;34(6):1203-13. doi:
10.1007/s00268-010-0491-7. PMID: 20174803.

122: Barczyński M, Konturek A, Gołkowski F, Hubalewska-Dydejczyk A, Cichoń S,
Nowak W. Five-year follow-up of a randomized clinical trial of unilateral
thyroid lobectomy with or without postoperative levothyroxine treatment. World J
Surg. 2010 Jun;34(6):1232-8. doi: 10.1007/s00268-010-0439-y. PMID: 20130863.

123: Barczynski M, Nowak W, Sancho JJ, Sitges-Serra A. The motor fibers of the
recurrent laryngeal nerves are located in the anterior extralaryngeal branch.
Ann Surg. 2010 Apr;251(4):773-4; author reply 774-5. doi:
10.1097/SLA.0b013e3181d57a59. PMID: 20224360.

124: Barczynski M. Minimally invasive parathyroidectomy without intraoperative
parathyroid hormone monitoring: when and why? J Postgrad Med. 2009 Oct-
Dec;55(4):239-40. doi: 10.4103/0022-3859.58923. PMID: 20083866.

125: Mihai R, Barczynski M, Iacobone M, Sitges-Serra A. Surgical strategy for
sporadic primary hyperparathyroidism an evidence-based approach to surgical
strategy, patient selection, surgical access, and reoperations. Langenbecks Arch
Surg. 2009 Sep;394(5):785-98. doi: 10.1007/s00423-009-0529-1. Epub 2009 Jun 25.
PMID: 19554347.

126: Barczynski M, Konturek A, Hubalewska-Dydejczyk A, Cichon S, Nowak W.
Evaluation of Halle, Miami, Rome, and Vienna intraoperative iPTH assay criteria
in guiding minimally invasive parathyroidectomy. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2009
Sep;394(5):843-9. doi: 10.1007/s00423-009-0510-z. Epub 2009 Jun 16. PMID:

127: Barczynski M, Konturek A, Hubalewska-Dydejczyk A, Cichon S, Nowak W.
Utility of intraoperative bilateral internal jugular venous sampling with rapid
parathyroid hormone testing in guiding patients with a negative sestamibi scan
for minimally invasive parathyroidectomy–a randomized controlled trial.
Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2009 Sep;394(5):827-35. doi: 10.1007/s00423-009-0516-6.
Epub 2009 Jun 16. PMID: 19529955.

128: Barczyński M, Konturek A, Cichoń S. Randomized clinical trial of
visualization versus neuromonitoring of recurrent laryngeal nerves during
thyroidectomy. Br J Surg. 2009 Mar;96(3):240-6. doi: 10.1002/bjs.6417. PMID:

129: Barczyński M, Konturek A, Cichoń S. Minimally invasive video-assisted
thyreoidectomy (MIVAT) with and without use of harmonic scalpel–a randomized
study. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2008 Sep;393(5):647-54. doi:
10.1007/s00423-008-0373-8. Epub 2008 Jul 4. PMID: 18600342.

130: Barczyński M, Cichoń S, Konturek A, Cichoń W. Applicability of
intraoperative parathyroid hormone assay during total thyroidectomy as a guide
for the surgeon to selective parathyroid tissue autotransplantation. World J
Surg. 2008 May;32(5):822-8. doi: 10.1007/s00268-007-9405-8. PMID: 18246390.

131: Barczyński M, Cichoń S, Konturek A. Which criterion of intraoperative iPTH
assay is the most accurate in prediction of true serum calcium levels after
thyroid surgery? Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2007 Nov;392(6):693-8. doi:
10.1007/s00423-007-0165-6. Epub 2007 Mar 17. PMID: 17370085.

132: Barczynski M, Konturek A, Cichon S, Hubalewska-Dydejczyk A, Golkowski F,
Huszno B. Intraoperative parathyroid hormone assay improves outcomes of
minimally invasive parathyroidectomy mainly in patients with a presumed solitary
parathyroid adenoma and missing concordance of preoperative imaging. Clin
Endocrinol (Oxf). 2007 Jun;66(6):878-85. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2265.2007.02827.x.
Epub 2007 Apr 15. PMID: 17437518.

133: Barczyński M, Konturek A, Gołkowski F, Cichoń S, Huszno B, Peitgen K, Walz
MK. Posterior retroperitoneoscopic adrenalectomy: a comparison between the
initial experience in the invention phase and introductory phase of the new
surgical technique. World J Surg. 2007 Jan;31(1):65-71. doi:
10.1007/s00268-006-0083-8. PMID: 17180554.

134: Cichoń S, Anielski R, Konturek A, Barczyński M, Cichoń W. Metastases to the
thyroid gland: seventeen cases operated on in a single clinical center.
Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2006 Nov;391(6):581-7. doi: 10.1007/s00423-006-0081-1.
Epub 2006 Sep 16. PMID: 16983577.

135: Barczynski M, Konturek A, Cichon S. Ocena wartości śródoperacyjnego
neuromonitoringu w operacjach raka tarczycy w identyfikacji i prognozowaniu
czynności nerwów krtaniowych wstecznych [Value of the intraoperative
neuromonitoring in surgery for thyroid cancer in identification and prognosis of
function of the recurrent laryngeal nerves]. Endokrynol Pol. 2006 Jul-
Aug;57(4):343-6. Polish. PMID: 17006834.

136: Barczynski M, Golkowski F, Konturek A, Buziak-Bereza M, Cichon S,
Hubalewska-Dydejczyk A, Huszno B, Szybinski Z. Technetium-99m-sestamibi
subtraction scintigraphy vs. ultrasonography combined with a rapid parathyroid
hormone assay in parathyroid aspirates in preoperative localization of
parathyroid adenomas and in directing surgical approach. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf).
2006 Jul;65(1):106-13. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2265.2006.02556.x. PMID: 16817828.

137: Barczyński M, Konturek A, Herman RM. Superiority of preemptive analgesia
with intraperitoneal instillation of bupivacaine before rather than after the
creation of pneumoperitoneum for laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a randomized,
double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Surg Endosc. 2006 Jul;20(7):1088-93.
doi: 10.1007/s00464-005-0458-1. Epub 2006 May 13. PMID: 16703434.

138: Barczyński M, Cichoń S, Konturek A, Cichoń W. Minimally invasive video-
assisted parathyroidectomy versus open minimally invasive parathyroidectomy for
a solitary parathyroid adenoma: a prospective, randomized, blinded trial. World
J Surg. 2006 May;30(5):721-31. doi: 10.1007/s00268-005-0312-6. PMID: 16547619.

139: Gołkowski F, Buziak-Bereza M, Barczyński M, Stefańska A, Wierzchowski W,
Huszno B, Cichoń S. Przypadek pierwotnego chłoniaka złośliwego tarczycy u
młodego mezczyzny [A case of primary malignant lymphoma of thyroid in young
man]. Przegl Lek. 2006;63(9):815-8. Polish. PMID: 17479878.

140: Gołkowski F, Barczyński M, Buziak-Bereza M, Huszno B, Cichoń S. Nowe
mozliwości zwiekszenia czułości diagnostyki izotopowej pierwotnej nadczynności
przytarczyc [New horizons for increased sensitivity of radionuclide imaging in
primary hyperparathyroidism]. Przegl Lek. 2006;63(2):64-7. Polish. PMID:

141: Barczyński M, Cichoń S, Konturek A, Cichoń W. Mikulicz’s innovative
achievements in the field of thyroid surgery. World J Surg. 2005 Aug;29(8):1090;
author reply 1090-1. doi: 10.1007/s00268-005-1112-8. PMID: 15983723.

142: Konturek A, Barczyński M, Cichoń S, Pituch-Noworolska A, Jonkisz J, Cichoń
W. Significance of vascular endothelial growth factor and epidermal growth
factor in development of papillary thyroid cancer. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2005
Jun;390(3):216-21. doi: 10.1007/s00423-004-0529-0. Epub 2005 Feb 3. PMID:

143: Barczyński M, Cichoń S, Konturek A, Cichoń W. A randomised study on a new
cost-effective algorithm of quick intraoperative intact parathyroid hormone
assay in secondary hyperparathyroidism. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2005
Apr;390(2):121-7. doi: 10.1007/s00423-004-0535-2. Epub 2005 Feb 15. PMID:

144: Barczyński M, Herman RM. Low-pressure pneumoperitoneum combined with
intraperitoneal saline washout for reduction of pain after laparoscopic
cholecystectomy: a prospective randomized study. Surg Endosc. 2004
Sep;18(9):1368-73. doi: 10.1007/s00464-003-9299-y. Epub 2004 Jun 23. PMID:

145: Jamski J, Jamska A, Graca M, Barczyński M, Włodyka J. Uszkodzenia nerwu
krtaniowego wstecznego po operacjach na gruczole tarczowym [Recurrent laryngeal
nerve injury following thyroid surgery]. Przegl Lek. 2004;61(1):13-6. Polish.
PMID: 15230099.

146: Barczyński M, Herman RM. A prospective randomized trial on comparison of
low-pressure (LP) and standard-pressure (SP) pneumoperitoneum for laparoscopic
cholecystectomy. Surg Endosc. 2003 Apr;17(4):533-8. doi:
10.1007/s00464-002-9121-2. Epub 2003 Feb 17. PMID: 12582754.

147: Barczyński M, Herman RM. Influence of different pressures of
pneumoperitoneum on the autonomic system function during laparoscopy. Folia Med
Cracov. 2002;43(1-2):51-8. PMID: 12815798.

148: Barczyński M, Herman RM. The usefulness of low-pressure pneumoperitoneum in
laparoscopic surgery. Folia Med Cracov. 2002;43(1-2):43-50. PMID: 12815797.

149: Barczyński M, Thor P. Reversible autonomic dysfunction in hyperthyroid
patients affects gastric myoelectrical activity and emptying. Clin Auton Res.
2001 Aug;11(4):243-9. doi: 10.1007/BF02298956. PMID: 11710797.

150: Jamski J, Barczyński M, Konturek A, Rogula T. Rak rdzeniasty tarczycy–
obserwacje własne [Medullary thyroid carcinoma–personal observations]. Wiad
Lek. 2001;54 Suppl 1:432-7. Polish. PMID: 12182061.

151: Anielski R, Barczyński M, Cichoń S, Kostka A, Hładki W. Ostre zapalenie
wyrostka robaczkowego w populacji Krakowa [Acute appendicitis in Crakow
population]. Przegl Lek. 2001;58(12):1034-7. Polish. PMID: 12041016.

152: Cichoń S, Barczyński M, Anielski R, Barczyński MŁ, Hładki W, Brzeziński M,
Trystuła M. Czy operować wole u chorych w wieku podeszłym? [Should we operate
goiter in the elderly?]. Przegl Lek. 2001;58(5):439-42. Polish. PMID: 11603179.

153: Barczyński M, Barczyński M. Czy leczenie operacyjne nadczynności tarczycy u
ciezarnych jest uzasadnione? [Is surgical treatment of hyperthyroidism in
pregnancy reasonable?]. Przegl Lek. 2000;57(12):720-2. Polish. PMID: 11398595.

154: Barczyński M, Thor PJ, Słowiaczek M, Pitala A. Rola układu autonomicznego w
zaburzeniach czynności motorycznej i mioelektrycznej zoładka u chorych z
nadczynnościa tarczycy [The role of the autonomic nervous system on malfunction
of gastric motor and myoelectric activity in patients with hyperthyroidism].
Folia Med Cracov. 2000;41(3-4):87-112. Polish. PMID: 11339019.

155: Barczyński M, Barczyński MŁ. Current management of thyroid cancer–a change
of therapeutic strategy over the last 20 years. Przegl Lek. 2000;57 Suppl
5:105-7. PMID: 11202267.

156: Barczyński M. Rak przytarczyc–wyzwanie diagnostyczne i problem
terapeutyczny [Parathyroid neoplasm–diagnostic challenge and therapeutic
difficulty]. Przegl Lek. 2000;57(3):165-7. Polish. PMID: 10909288.

157: Barczyński M, Jamski J, Cichoń S, Barczyński M, Sułowicz W. Diagnostyka,
leczenie i rokowanie w przypadkach przerzutów raka jasnokomórkowego nerki do
tarczycy [Diagnosis, treatment and prognosis in cases of renal clear cell
carcinoma metastases into the thyroid gland]. Przegl Lek. 2000;57(3):157-9.
Polish. PMID: 10909286.

158: Barczyński M, Trznadel-Morawska I, Cichoń S, Barczyński M, Sieradzki J. Rak
zamostkowej torbieli przytarczycy jako przyczyna pierwotnej nadczynności
przytarczyc [Retrosternal parathyroid gland cystic neoplasm as a cause of
primary hyperparathyroidism]. Przegl Lek. 1999;56(10):679-81. Polish. PMID:

159: Jamski J, Barczyński M, Konturek A. Nowotwory tarczycy z komórek Hürthla
[H”urthle cell thyroid neoplasms]. Przegl Lek. 1999;56(7-8):487-8. Polish. PMID:

160: Konturek A, Barczyński ML, Cichoń S, Gucwa J. Ostre niedokrwienie jelit–
współczesne problemy diagnostyczne i lecznicze [Acute mesenteric ischemia–
current diagnostic and therapeutic problems]. Przegl Lek. 1999;56(3):231-5.
Polish. PMID: 10442015.

161: Barczyński M, Reś F, Cichoń S, Barczyński M. Smiertelność okołooperacyjna w
przedziurawionym wrzodzie dwunastnicy i zoładka–analiza 226 chorych
[Perioperative mortality for perforated duodenal and gastric ulcer–analysis of
226 patients]. Przegl Lek. 1999;56(3):192-7. Polish. PMID: 10442007.

162: Barczyński M, Cichoń S, Anielski R, Barczyński M, Konturek A, Gucwa J.
Taktyka postepowania w wolu zamostkowym i śródpiersiowym. Doświadczenia własne
[Treatment approach for substernal and intrathoracic goiter. Personal
experience]. Przegl Lek. 1999;56(2):129-33. Polish. PMID: 10375945.

163: Jamski J, Barczyński M, Konturek A. Rozpoznanie i taktyka postepowania w
raku anaplastycznym tarczycy [Diagnosis and treatment approach in anaplastic
thyroid carcinoma]. Przegl Lek. 1999;56(2):126-8. Polish. PMID: 10375944.

164: Anielski R, Barczyński M. Zakazenia ran pooperacyjnych. Cześć IV. Flora
oraz przebieg kliniczny zakazenia rany pooperacyjnej [Postoperative wound
infections. IV. Flora and clinical course of postoperative wound infection].
Przegl Lek. 1998;55(12):639-44. Polish. PMID: 10354713.

165: Cichoń S, Barczyński M, Rogula T. Wole śródpiersiowe przyczyna zespołu zyły
głównej górnej [Intrathoracic goiter as a cause of superior vena cava syndrome].
Przegl Lek. 1998;55(11):626-8. Polish. PMID: 10216381.

166: Barczyński M, Barczyński M, Cichoń S, Sułowicz W, Sydor A, Walatek B.
Przerzuty raka jasnokomórkowego nerki do tarczycy u chorych leczonych
nerkozastepczo [Metastasis of kidney clear cell carcinoma to the thyroid cell in
patients on renal replacement therapy]. Przegl Lek. 1998;55(11):623-5. Polish.
PMID: 10216380.

167: Anielski R, Barczyński M. Zakazenia ran pooperacyjnych. Cześć III. Czynniki
ryzyka zwiazane z chorym [Postoperative wound infections. III. Patient related
risk factors]. Przegl Lek. 1998;55(11):565-71. Polish. PMID: 10216368.

168: Konturek A, Barczyński M, Kostyk E, Parczewska J, Pietrzyk JJ, Cichoń S,
Gucwa J. Aberracje chromosomalne u chorych z rakiem brodawkowatym tarczycy i
innymi nowotworami [Chromosome aberrations in patients with papillary thyroid
cancer and other neoplasms]. Przegl Lek. 1998;55(5):290-3. Polish. PMID:

169: Jamski J, Barczyński M, Konturek A. Ziarnica złośliwa gruczołu tarczowego
[Hodgkin’s disease in the thyroid gland]. Przegl Lek. 1998;55(5):288-9. Polish.
PMID: 9741199.

170: Jamski J, Barczyński M, Konturek A. Nerwiak osłonkowy okolicy gruczołu
tarczowego [Neurilemmoma in the thyroid region]. Przegl Lek. 1998;55(3):138-9.
Polish. PMID: 9695659.

171: Anielski R, Barczyński M. Zakazenia ran pooperacyjnych. Cześć II. Czynniki
ryzyka zwiazane z operacja [Postoperative wound infections. II. Risk factors
related to surgery]. Przegl Lek. 1998;55(3):109-19. Polish. PMID: 9695653.

172: Anielski R, Barczyński M. Zakazenia ran pooperacyjnych. Cześć I. Dane
ogólne i czynniki ryzyka [Postoperative wound infections. I. Population data and
risk factors]. Przegl Lek. 1998;55(3):101-8. Polish. PMID: 9695652.

173: Barczyński M, Tabor S, Thor P. Ocena czynności układu autonomicznego metoda
analizy zmienności rytmu serca u chorych z nadczynnościa tarczycy oraz w
przebiegu eutyreozy farmakologicznej i pooperacyjnej [Evaluation of autonomic
nervous system function with heart rate variability analysis in patients with
hyperthyroidism and during euthyroidism after pharmacologic and surgical
treatment]. Folia Med Cracov. 1997;38(3-4):27-35. Polish. PMID: 10481379.

174: Barczyński M, Cichoń S, Barczyński M, Kopeć J, Reś F, Sułowicz W. Leczenie
operacyjne wtórnej nadczynności przytarczyc u chorych leczonych nerkozastepczo
[Surgical treatment of secondary hyperparathyroidism in patients treated with
renal replacement]. Przegl Lek. 1997;54(12):841-7. Polish. PMID: 9591451.

175: Jamski J, Barczyński M, Ryś J, Konturek A. Pierwotny chłoniak złośliwy
gruczołu tarczowego–rozpoznanie i taktyka postepowania [Primary malignant
lymphoma of the thyroid gland–diagnosis and treatment tactics]. Przegl Lek.
1997;54(2):83-6. Polish. PMID: 9198828.

176: Jamski J, Barczyński M, Konturek A. Przerzuty jasnokomórkowego raka nerki
do tarczycy [Metastasis of clear cell carcinoma of the kidney to the thyroid
gland]. Przegl Lek. 1997;54(2):135-6. Polish. PMID: 9198824.